Hearing Loss And Ways to Protect Yourself

Your eardrums take a beating. Every day, you are listening to loud cars and trucks, television and radio, phone calls and even the occasional barking dog. Have you ever thought how loud everyday household items can be? What about environmental situations like living near an airport, or regularly traveled trucking route.

Sound is typically measured by dB or “decibel” or a unit used to measure the intensity of a sound or the power level of an electrical signal by comparing it with a given level on a logarithmic scale.

But how many decibels does it take before I start to do damage to my ears? Experts say around 80 dB can be harmful, but a lower decibel sound over an extended period of time can also cause damage.  Your kitchen blender can run in excess of 80-90 dB, while a typical face to face conversation will run between 50-60 dB. When a loud motorcycle roars by that can be anywhere form 90-100 dB and a plane passing over head can also exceed 100 dB.

Loud noise is more than just a threat to your hearing and your quality of life.

New research suggests it can seriously damage your health.

Noise Pollution & Your Health

Regular exposure can increase your risk of severe stroke, according to a recent study. Researchers found that living in a city or next to a highway may increase your risk of severe stroke by 30%. Living in a quiet, more green-space area with less roads, and calmer environmental noises can reduce this risk by up to 25%.

A loud environment stimulates a part of the brain known as the amygdala, which regulates stress response. The brain reacts by increasing blood pressure and levels of a particular stress-related hormone called cortisol. When agitated, these can actually cause a host of cardiovascular issues including strokes.

Seeking Quiet

As a return to normal life brings with it a return to normal noise exposure, the question is, how loud is too loud? The line where ear damage begins is traditionally believed to be between 85 and 90 dB. That’s about as loud as a gas lawn mower, blender or a blow-dryer. If you’re going to be exposed to this level of noise for extended periods, or anything louder for even a short time, you should wear some sort of ear protection. Earplugs can be found at CVS or Walgreens for just a few dollars. While they won’t provide optimum protection, some protection is better than none.

Mitigate Everyday Sounds

  • Driving with the windows open may expose you to harmful levels of environmental noise
  • Close your windows at home when your landscaper is cutting the grass (or edging with a weed-whacker)
  • Keep your TV and radio on a lower volume, or use captions to read along with your favorite shows

No matter how you protect your hearing, protect yourself with MedGuard Alert. We provide emergency medical alert systems that allow you to connect with medical professionals from anywhere. Call today to learn more about our systems that start at just $1 a day. You may qualify for additional discounts through Medicaid.

Call today. 800-716-1433

Staying In Touch With Seniors From A Distance

After almost 2 years of pandemic lockdowns, and restrictions on travel, it has been a challenging 19 months on seniors. Thankfully, technology has given us new and safe ways to stay in touch not matter how far apart we may be. Communication is vital for seniors, and technology can help provide peace of mind when you can’t travel, or need to retain a safe distance until your loved ones (or yourself) await a vaccination.

Get The Right Technology

This could be adding a new smartphone with video chat capability to your wireless plan, or providing your loved one with a new laptop or tablet that has video chat capabilities. Thanks to “Moore’s Law” remaining true, you can get a tablet for around $50 and a refurbed laptop for around $99.

Get Them Connected

If you have a tech-savvy parent or grandparent, you are in luck. There is a large segment of the senior population regularly using Facebook, and getting their news from the internet. If your loved ones are not able to set up one of these devices, there are companies that can provide over-the-phone assistance to get them online. Candoo (www.candootech.com) and Papa Pals (www.joinpapa.com) are two companies that charge nominal fees to help get them connected, and are worth getting a quote from, especially if the user is technically-challenged. These companies can even provide the added benefit of training when it comes to eCommerce, grocery shopping, setting up a Netflix account and more.

Resistance Is Possible… And That’s OK

If you have a tech-resistant family member, it could be an uphill battle. Seniors that are reluctant to change should be heard; they have freedom to choose to adopt anything you may offer them. Not everyone wants to be online, or video chat, so if they are content with phone calls to stay in touch, respect their wishes.

Bring It On!

However, if they become a quick adapter, it may be beneficial to look into more robust training. The company Senior Planet (www.seniorplanet.org) helps seniors from start to finish with any tech needs they may have, including new computer setup, creating an email account, and even social media profiles.

Seniors may find the introduction of tech to be overwhelming, so shorter sessions with any of these assistance companies would be recommended. No one wants to sit through a 2 hour conference call, getting everything done, so be sure to keep sessions short and to the point. For example, first get your computer out of the box, learn how to power it on, connect to the internet and end the session. Tomorrow, learn how to get online, introduce Google Chrome or Safari, and do some quick web searches. Too much data in one session will more than likely NOT be retained.

Getting Around Using Technology

Uber and Lyft have both added an additional line for seniors that may need a little help getting in to the vehicle. This means if your loved one has a walker or a wheelchair, the drive will help them get in to the car safely, and pack the wheelchair or walker up and be on their way. If you are a Lyft or Uber user, you can send them a car any time they need a ride, keeping the process easy – no training or anything needed, just a phone call to confirm the car, and driver’s name as well as arrival time.

Emergency Alert Systems

MedGuard Alert provides the most technologically advanced emergency medical response system on the market, called the Care Watch. MedGuard Alert provides emergency medical alert systems that allow you to connect with medical professionals from anywhere. Call today to learn more about our systems that start at just $1 a day. You may qualify for additional discounts through Medicaid. Don’t wait, call today. 800-716-1433

The Many Models of “Home Care”

Home Care is a blanket term that covers a lot of options that provide different levels of care. This includes Privately Hired Caregivers, a Home Care Agency, Private Duty Home Care Agency and Home Care Registry.

Private Hired Caregivers

This refers to an independent contractor with a home care registry may be highly compassionate, lower in cost, and an overall good fit with the patient. You will be liable for the payroll taxes and possible work related injuries of the caregiver.

The Home Care Agency

Home care services are best when provided through an agency that employs, trains, bonds and insures, and background checks its caregivers.

Private Duty Agency

These agencies provide home care aides, companion care, homemaker services and may provide nursing services in the client’s home. “Private duty” can also translate to “private pay”.  No government subsidies are used for the cost of care. The most common methods for covering the cost of private duty home care is through long term care insurance benefits, out of pocket, or other types of savings arrangement.

The Home Care Registry
This is an organization that helps you locate a caregiver and places one in your home on an independent contractor basis.  Caregivers are not employed by the registry, and they are not responsibile for their training and supervision.

If your family cannot assume the full range of responsibilities, you would be better off working through an agency.  If the family chooses to hire privately, you need to consult a lawyer and an accountant to assure that they make proper arrangements for all of their obligations.

Community Living vs. Staying At Home

The costs associated with a retirement community can cost between $40K-$70K per year.  Sometimes, this is the best option but private duty home care (and staying at home) is typically a cost effective option.

Staying at home is often a preferred option. Comfort of staying in a familiar environment and avoiding the ‘change’ of relocating can be much easier for stress levels of seniors that may not need daily care.

The National Private Duty Association (NPDA) is the nation’s leading association for providers of private duty home care. They have a searchable database to provide consumers with a comprehensive list of NPDA members nationwide. (https://www.nahc.org/)

If you do choose to stay home, MedGuard Alert provides emergency medical alert systems that allow you to connect with medical professionals from anywhere. Call today to learn more about our systems that start at just $1 a day. You may qualify for additional discounts through Medicaid. Don’t wait, call today. 800-716-1433

The Top Senior-Viewed Websites

Believe it or not, seniors are online! We have compiled a handful of the top websites, searched by seniors according to Google. It’s more than just AARP and Medicaid, the are on Facebook, looking for advice on health, money, technology, or even aging.

Some of these websites for senior citizens are packed with quality information. They have the wonderful tips, news, and content that is easy to read and even videos for easy viewing. This list highlights some of the most useful senior citizen sites and forums.

Travel Websites for Elderly

What is better to do than traveling? Especially when you no longer have to worry about day-to-day responsibilities and duties. The following sites provide information on the best locations and senior discounts.

Frommers (https://www.frommers.com/)

Frommers.com is a website filled with the best holiday locations for senior citizens. Whether you’re looking for trip ideas, deals & bookings, tips or news, this is the place to be.

Eldertreks (https://www.eldertreks.com/)

This is one of the first travel blogs for elderly individuals. It holds more than 15 years of experience within the travel industry.

Evergreen Club (https://www.evergreenclub.com/)

The evergreen website aims at individuals older than 50 years of age. It offers low-priced B&B’s, peaceful accommodation, and the best guest rooms around.

Suddenly Senior Travel (https://www.suddenlysenior.com/senior-travel/)

Looking for some great senior articles on travel? How about insider tips on senior travel discounts?

Aging Websites for Elderly

When you’re worried about what’s going on in the world, aging with ease isn’t always a straightforward task. These websites for seniors contain the most helpful information for aging individuals. Here you’ll find activities to try at home, retirement, and investment advice. You must use the correct information about essential decisions and lessons like these. Here are our favorite senior citizen’s websites for aging.

AARP (https://www.aarp.org/)

Do you need the latest updates on vaccines? How about the latest treatments for Alzheimer’s? Do you know the best essentials to keep in your medicine cabinet?
AARP has it all. On their website for the elderly, you can easily navigate and find what you need when you need it.

Assisted Living Directory (https://www.assisted-living-directory.com/)

This excellent site contains information on assisted living facilities across the country. It also offers content and advice for those starting up an assisted living home for the elderly.

National Institute on Aging (https://www.nia.nih.gov/)

When it comes to health concerns associated with aging, this website will be of enormous help. It offers news, events, research, funding, and health information.
It can be a massive help to the elderly in times of uncertainty and need. You’ll be able to locate the information you need when you need it.

Health Websites for Elderly

As a senior citizen, you will start requiring specific health needs. At the same time, there are various resources you can use to find the information relevant to you. However, the amount of contradicting information online will be overwhelming. The following senior websites offer valuable and accurate information about specific medical conditions.

Web MD (http://webmd.com/)

Web MD is a website that focuses on medical conditions that affect the elderly. Doctors write most their articles, so the site has authority.
 They offer accurate medical advice and information on their easy-to-navigate website. As a result, these articles rank high on relevant searches.

Suddenly Senior Health & Medical (https://www.suddenlysenior.com/category/health-medical/)

Are you looking for health and medical articles for seniors? Check out our collection of reviews and guides.

Medicare (http://medicare.gov/)

This government site has information about your health, drugs, and medical aid advice. You’ll be able to find doctors and medical facilities with a click of a button.


Humor Websites for Elderly

Laughing, believe it or not, is healthy. Happiness, joy and getting a good laugh every now and then is actually good for mental health and circulation.  We are including some of the best websites with humor for the elderly, but they may make younger people laugh too.

RD Jokes (http://rd.com/jokes/old-age/)

Looking for the best videos, funniest pictures, and hilarious old jokes? Well look no further, this website offers you all the amazing pleasures in one place.
No longer do you need to search the web for hours to find suitable content, it’s all put together right here in one place.

Suddenly Senior Jokes (https://www.suddenlysenior.com/tag/jokes/)

Are you looking for the largest collection of senior jokes? We’re 2nd to none. Check out our long list of senior joke books.

Swap Meet Dave (http://swapmeetdave.com/)

This website has the newest jokes and videos to get the laugh going. Dave features some incredible collectibles he hawked over a significant number of years.

Follow our blog for more great senior content, and for premium personal alert emergency protection, give us a call! MedGuard Alert provides emergency medical alert systems that allow you to connect with medical professionals from anywhere. Call today to learn more about our systems that start at just $1 a day. You may qualify for additional discounts through Medicaid. Don’t wait, call today. 800-716-1433

Fall Prevention Starts With Sturdy Footing

When we talk fall prevention, it all starts with the right footwear. We have talked about it in our other blog posts, but there is a reason – falls are the leading cause of injuries to the elderly, causing 800,000+ hospitalizations. Choosing the right shoe may seem like a challenge, but we have found the top 5 shoes recommended by podiatrists for seniors to stay safe when stepping out.

If you have trouble lifting your feet to take longer steps or strides, shuffling your feet may increase the risk of falling. This risk increases exponentially if you are wearing the wrong footwear. High heels, floppy slippers, and slick-soled shoes are among the worst choices for the elderly. Laced shoes may also pose a hazard when they become untied, which is why some of the top recommendations are slip-on, or have easy to use velcro fasteners that hold tight all day long.

In no particular order, here are some of the most recommended options from podiatrists and senior fitness experts.

  • Orthofeet Joelle Women’s Walking Shoe – Women’s

These Velcro tennis shoes for elderly women feature a slip-resistant rubber sole and a flexible fabric upper for a relaxed fit. The toe box is both wide and deep, and there is good arch support. The soft, seamless lining reduces friction pain and enhances comfort. (https://www.orthofeet.com/products/joelle-black-stretchable)

  • Brooks Men’s Addiction Walker V Strap – Men’s

The Addiction Walker’s cushioned collar and soft, breathable lining mean there should be no additional pressure on your pain points. These supportive walking shoes feature a non-slip rubber sole that has plenty of grooves to help provide traction and very good shock absorption to protect your joints. (https://www.brooksrunning.com/en_us/addiction-walker-v-strap-2-mens-walking-shoe/110320.html)

  • New Balance 577 – Men’s & Women’s

Fitness walkers and walking workers alike will love the all-day comfort and support of the New Balance MW577V for men. ABZORB cushioning technology in the heel absorbs shock, while a PU midsole and rubber outsole provide extra cushioning, stability, and traction. Leather upper lends a classic feel to the 577 while adjustable hook and loop closures provide a custom fit. (https://www.newbalance.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-NBUS-Site/en_US/Product-Show?pid=MW577&redirectRule=oldMaster&)

  • Propet Stability X – Men’s & Women’s

The Stability X is another favorite that offers a bit more style while staying functional and easy to put on and wear. With a mesh upper with brushed-nylon lining, speed lacing closure with padded collar and tongue and a PU insole with gel heel pad and cushioning ridges. They also offer an arch-supporting EVA midsole with rubber outsole for durable wear and traction. (propetusa.com/pc_product_detail.asp?key=2D3BDA9035D24D7B835EE0E9263DF967)

  • Skechers Go Walk 4 – Men’s

Among the best walking shoes for elderly men, the Go Walk 4 features a rubber sole that is nicely grooved and provides excellent traction. These lightweight slip-on shoes have a flexible mesh upper as well as a highly supportive midsole and an odor-controlled insole. They are comfortable to walk in and provide very good shock absorption. (https://www.skechers.com/collections/mens/gowalk/)

  • Fit & Comfort

For added security and protection, MedGuard Alert provides emergency medical alert systems that allow you to connect with medical professionals from anywhere. Call today to learn more about our systems that start at just $1 a day. You may qualify for additional discounts through Medicaid. Don’t wait, call today. 1-800-716-1433

Seniors Staying Active with (and without) Exercise Equipment

Many seniors already have a solid workout routine, or things they do to try to stay active. While staying active can have some costs associated, there are some things you can do to stay active for little or no cost. If you do have a budget for fitness equipment, you want to select things that are efficient, enjoyable, and safe for seniors.

Fitness Basics

This will speak to some $0 cost exercise options that you could start doing with no investment. We would recommend speaking with your doctor before performing any and all activity, so be sure to get advice from the professionals that know your capability and your medical records.


This seems so typical to start, but when it comes to low impact exercise, walking is the most important exercise a senior can apply to their daily activity. Walking is how you get around, so if this becomes difficult for you, your entire life will change. Walking is #1 for a reason. If your doctor approves, do it, and do it often.

Light Lifting

You don’t need iron “weights” to keep your muscles active, everything in your home has a “weight” associated to it. Anything with a handle can become a dumbbell or curling device. Shopping bags with handles, carrying a few books can give you just the right resistance to do some basic arm exercises. Again, speak with your doctor about what works best for you in your situation.

Leg Lifts

If you have a kitchen counter, you can safely do leg lifts, leaning back on your counters, you can brace yourself and lift your legs, one at a time, and keep circulation up before taking a walk. You can also perform a lighter leg lift while sitting on a chair. Speak with your doctor about what level of activity is right for you.

Fitness Equipment (for seniors)

Technology has given us some great options for senior-friendly exercise machines that are sure to get the heart pumping, increase flexibility, and overall improve physical endurance.


The elliptical allows seniors who are able to stand for long periods of time a chance to torch some calories, improve balance, and endurance. The elliptical is a hybrid between cross-country skiing and walking but without the additional impact. The included arm levers give seniors a security feature to hold on to while also adding an extra muscle burn.

Stability Ball

The stability ball can help increase senior’s overall physical fitness in many ways.Core strength is crucial for standing, balancing, and posture. Simply sitting on a stability ball is a terrific activity to strengthen senior’s core muscles! Several other exercises can be done safely with the ball, including stretches to improve flexibility.

Wrist Weights

If a senior would like to add a bit more weight to challenge themselves while they are walking, they can do so by using wrist weights. These weights can either be attached to their wrists or held in their hands, if this is preferred. These weights are very light, such as 1-3 pounds, so they add enough weight to make things more challenging, but not too much so that it becomes stressful on their wrists. 

Recumbent Exercise Bike 

Cycling has been a source of healthy cardio workouts for people for centuries, and recumbent bikes are an ideal way to cycle in comfort. Seniors can easily get on and off of exercise bikes, as well as customize speed. As a low-impact activity, the risk of injury is slim and it’s great for seniors who suffer from a variety of joint or bone issues. 


Yoga is a great activity for seniors. This series of low-impact exercises will have you on their feet, knees, or lying on the ground. You will need to invest in a Yoga mat to keep the comfort levels up. They can do double duty for any stretching exercises like pilates or yoga. These are great exercise options for seniors because they help to strengthen their core and improve their balance, thus helping them remain safer not only when they are exercising, but also when they are doing everyday activities. 

If you are a senior looking to start exercising more, our Care Watch would provide peace of mind and give you added beneficial features like the ability to perform a vitals test before a run, and pedometer to track your distance. Call us now to learn more about the Care Watch: Call 1-800-716-1433

How To Find the Best Senior Living Community For You Or Your Loved One

Moving into a senior living community can be an emotional subject. This is especially true when you are considering making the move yourself or helping a parent or loved one shop around for their new home.

There are so many options these days, it becomes challenging figuring out where to start, and what really matters most – location, daily activities, suite size and the thing most folks care most about, pricing and value. It’s best to stay informed in order to make the decision that best meets you or your family’s needs.

Research these days typically starts online. Be sure to get answers for these questions and make an informed decision.

  • Will they customize a care or service plan for you?
  • Are they willing to adjust this plan over time to accommodate each member as they age?
  • Does the facility provide services to address residents’ physical, emotional, and spiritual needs?
  • Are they engaging loved ones, updating them when residents experience changes, physical or otherwise?
  • If they can’t provide a specific service, what can they do to provide it (affiliate partners, outsourcing, etc.)?
  • How is the food, and what dining options are available?
  • What activities are offered, both within and outside of the community?
  • When you do your walk through, talk to residents – are they happy, and do they seem to be well cared for?
  • Is the staff engaged in conversations or participating in activities?
  • What are their visitor restrictions and does the community make it easy for residents to host family and friends?
  • Most importantly, is it comfortable? Does it feel like (it could be) “home”?

Everyone involved in the decision making process should communicate everything they have consumed through research and visits, especially the prospective resident themselves. The best way to see if a community feels like home is to visit in person. Remember, you’re not just shopping, you’re choosing a home for your loved one.

If you or a loved one is moving into a senior living space, or even if they opt to stay at home for a few more years, MedGuard Alert can provide them peace of mind with our free medical alert systems. Call us now to learn more about our FREE medical pendant service with plans starting at just $1 a day! CALL TODAY! 1-800-716-1433

Proactive Ways To Avoid A Slip, Trip Or Fall

Injuries caused by a slip or fall can be serious. The CDC reports that 25% of seniors age 65 and up are likely to suffer from a slip or fall. These accidents among the elderly account for 2.8 million injuries and a staggering 27,000 deaths.

Injuries sustained by a slip trip or fall are the leading cause of injury and death among the elderly.

A serious fall can traumatize seniors, making them fear to participation in their favorite activities or even get out of bed. Fortunately, there are ways to make a living environment safer and improve a senior’s health so they can avoid a fall. 

Exercise, Daily

Muscle weakness can cause seniors to fall because they can’t support their own weight. Doing strength-building exercises like walking, swimming and even dancing can build leg strength while improving coordination and balance. It doesn’t take much, but it does take consistency. Your doctor can put together an exercise plan that fits your lifestyle and physical capacity.

Spills Need Instant Attention

If you see a spill, clean it up immediately. Slipping on a wet surface can cause serious injury. A slip happens more rapidly than losing your footing or tripping, which provides that split second to brace yourself. To avoid slipping, it’s best to address the spill immediately.

Vision and Hearing Checkups

Balance is important and hearing loss can lead to balance issues. This can make a senior more prone to falling. As for your vision, you may trip on something you didn’t see and suffer a fall as a result. Seniors also become more susceptible to conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts. Poor depth perception and blurriness may also play a role. Be sure to schedule regular appointments with your optometrist and otolaryngologist.

Medication Side Effects

Mixing medications can often cause unwanted side effects. Seniors often take multiple medications to manage health conditions and these medications may interact with each other to cause dizziness or drowsiness. Talk to your doctor about your medication side effects and what your options are. 

Turn Up The Lights

If you regularly wear glasses, or have a harder time seeing it helps to see what’s in front of you. Adding brighter lighting can show you where potential hazards may be. This includes outdoors as well as in frequently used areas indoors, such as hallways, bathrooms, kitchens and staircases.

Shoes and Footwear

Bare feet or socks can lead to slips and falls, so it’s best to wear shoes as often as possible. Sturdy shoes that have rubber soles and fit properly are best for seniors. Seniors should avoid wearing flip flops, slippers, high heels and backless shoes. Talk to your podiatrist about what shoes are right for you.

Know Your Limits

Trying to do too much can cause you to move too quickly and slip or trip. Instead, enlist the help of friends, family members or even neighbors. Have them help with household chores such as cleaning floors or vacuuming, and especially when doing yard work and snow removal. Know your limits, get some help from family and friends or hire a professional.

The best proactive thing you can do to avoid the serious repercussions from a slip or fall is to call MedGuard Alert.

Following all of these tips and tricks can help, but even the most prepared person can end up taking a fall. The only way you can prepare for any situation by having an emergency medical alert system. With the push of a button, you will be instantly connected to the medical professionals and help is on the way.

Call today to learn more about getting your emergency medical alert system for FREE from MedGuard Alert. If you are currently working with Medicaid, you may qualify for additional discounts on monthly services.

Call Medguard Alert Today! 800-716-1433

Emergency Medical Alert Systems with Lockbox Access

When we provide seniors with our emergency medical alert systems, we always recommend a lock box. You may have seen a lockbox when house shopping, or perhaps checking into an Airbnb. Our lockboxes help the medical professionals access a home without doing any damage. It can be easy to overlook this, but once you press an emergency alert system, how are they supposed get into your house?

This is where the lockbox comes in

No matter where you live, it is recommended that you lock your doors. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, you may not be able to just pop up to answer the door when the ambulance arrives. While our MedGuard Alert system allows you to place the call for help, and the lockbox allows that help to reach you.

The lockbox we provide our customers is a small, discreet metal box that can be placed on your doorknob or on a railing. When you press the SOS button on your MedGuard Alert device, our monitoring company provides the combination needed to open the box, and ultimately your home to help service you.

What if I Don’t Have A Lockbox?

When your life is on the line, the medical professionals will do whatever it takes to access your home to provide service. This could include breaking down a door, or breaking a window to unlock a door. This also takes longer for the EMT’s to get to you, and in emergency situations, time is of the essence. Repairing or replacing your windows and doors can cost hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. Our lockbox will ensure that emergency personnel can enter your home without doing any damage to your home.

MedGuard Alert – Lockbox Process

When we send your emergency medical alert device, it will arrive with one of our lockboxes. We will provide the access code to you, as well as entering it into our monitoring station. They will provide this code to the EMT’s when they are dispatched to your home. You will never need to remember this code, or give it to anyone when they arrive – this all happens autonomously, on the backend.

Call today to learn more about getting your emergency medical alert system from MedGuard Alert and get your lockbox for FREE when you mention promotional code – LOCKBOX. If you are currently working with Medicaid, you may qualify for additional discounts on monthly services.

CALL TODAY! 800-716-1433

Care Watch: Emergency Response And So Much More

The emergency response device space is pretty static. Many devices have similar look and feel, as well as similar functionality and features. We knew we could do better, provide more features and advancements for our customers. With the launch of our Care Watch, MedGuard Alert is now offering our customers 3 different options when it comes to personal protection.

  • MDX, In-home Medical System (phone
  • Personal Alert Devices (4G)
  • The Care Watch (4G)

Our standard systems provide the same great monitoring

The Personal 4G Care Watch protects and monitors you from accidental falls, incorporates health sensors, has a 2-way call audio speaker, an emergency SOS button on the side and alerts you when the battery is low.

Benefits & Features

  • Touchscreen Display for easy access to every application
  • Discreet Design that looks like a modern smart watch
  • Rechargeable Battery with 2-3 days of stand by time
  • SOS Button for emergency medical alerts
  • Water Resistant so you can wash your hands without worry
  • Wireless 4G LTE for nationwide cellular connectivity
  • Built in GPS Ability to Track you inside and outside of your home
  • View Your Vitals like your oxygen levels, heart rate and blood pressure

Mobile App provides even more great features like:

  • Pedometer (Step-counter)
  • Prescription Reminders
  • Contact List
  • Agenda
  • Weather & Temperature info

             and more…

Call today to learn more about getting your emergency medical alert system for FREE from MedGuard Alert. If you are currently working with Medicaid, you may qualify for additional discounts on monthly services.

CALL TODAY! 800-716-1433

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